100 Days of Writing: Day 13

100 Days of Writing: Day 13

Blah blah I’m still writing. The more exciting the work is beginning to be (to me at least), the more boring these update-atory (huh?) spaces become for me. I mean, come on, what do you want to know? Yes, I’m still writing, okay, we know that already. I had a massage. I finalized some stuff for work. Answered (and asked) some questions from my dudes because I’ve taken on a new temporary capacity at my current racket. Nothing exciting.

The only emotional moment for me today was seeing that poster from DLSU UGS about that women empowerment seminar with that deliriously ironic poster that outlines what female attendees are not allowed to wear. Composed a major meltdown of a reply in the chat box, deleted it, went back to it, deleted it again. My thought process being: I should be doing these for things where people are not already doing the work for you (I used to say the Internet is ultimately self-correcting, before all the major fake news shit rolled along). You don’t kick a man when he’s down. Not my style.

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