Look who’s streaming

Posting my first and ugly test stream here to figure out if I like doing it after a few weeks. Don’t watch it, the audio sucks and I cough a lot in it. I’m not exactly aural but even I got very annoyed by both my voice and the keyboard sounds. Some new mic is coming tomorrow so maybe that’ll help. I hope there’s some auto-audio tuner out there somewhere because no way in hell am I ever going to understand most of things the expert creators talk about when they talk about sound.

The upside of the two-hour writing session is I finally faced down the bit I was afraid of writing when I went about rewriting this story. It has a sapient cephalopod in it and I figured out how to incorporate a character who was already there to solve the suddenly non-verbal character I turned myself into (before it became a cephalopod the character was a stand-in for me).

You really do get somewhere just by sitting in the discomfort and thinking yourself out of things. I know this in theory but I always seem to forget everything I know when the fear is louder. And when there are no tigers after you the mind really just invents things to be scared about. What a time to be alive–to be scared of facing a meta/fictional monster.

Speaking of fears, I’m afraid of committing to doing this more often, but it’s been useful for me regardless of zero audience. Definitely doing this for myself. It will most probably be afternoons in Manila, mornings in Europe, and late late night in California. Probably freewriting if I’m not revising, submitting if I’m not generating. In an ideal jobless world the admin stuff should be happening later in the day, but I have a job that I need to pay for the unit I’m staying in and it’s a privilege to have that problem, so we adapt. Schedule will likely change when my work hours return to the regular 9 to 5, good luck to me then, as that would mean I should be waking up at 5 to start writing at 6.

I tried targeting 3 hours but wow I do not have the stamina for that right now. Maybe next time, or eventually. 2 hours already felt like I was pushing it.

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