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Six Degrees

Last updated on March 10, 2025

I thought I lost this poem of sorts! Written for someone across the world.

I know you.

There are forks of recognition and there are certain winds that can tell you the same thing.

Spinning madly beyond some Eternal Nation aloft missing pens and inconsequential worries, we threaten each other with hexes we wish could sound as real as the fear which tells us we’re all exactly the same mounds of flesh and protein and dead cells.

Gargantuan cliffs and songs from the sirens down below bring tears to our eyes.

We deny it with the strength of our gray and sparkling souls.

But should truth rear its crystalline head, there is no cause for confusion.

Because like an instinct to come to the mothers when we hurt, we know this like some deeply-embedded song preprogrammed into our hearts before we were ever born.

That you know me and I know you, beyond time, beyond space, bar cages and distractions like the colors of your shirt.

Simple, peeling hides and barriers, ode of odes, yonder lacing my hand through yours.


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